Weddings in Belize

Published May 8, 2018
Belize Weddings
Marriage Requirements
For those looking to get married in Belize, they will require valid passports and birth certificates, and if applicable, divorce and death decrees. The couple must be in the country for a minimum of 3 days before the marriage license application, so make sure that you book your travel accordingly. Belize weddings are recognized all over the world, and you have a choice of ceremonies including Christian, Jewish, Mayan, Garifuna and more! Like most other island weddings, Belize DOES NOT require blood tests for marriage certificates.
Travel Information
To visit Belize, you will need valid passports. Make sure to advise your country's travel information website for more information and possibly other travel documents. The official language of Belize is English and the official currency on the island is the Belize dollar, however, US dollars are accepted across the island.
Belize Highlights
Belize has a beautiful climate, with sea breezes and an average temperature of 84 degrees F. As for rain in Belize, it's usually raining when it is mild, and only in short bursts, however, the dry season falls between February and May. Belize is a great place for scuba divers and snorkelers as they are known for their spectacular waters and coral reefs. One popular one is the Great Blue Hole, a sinkhole, especially for divers.